Greenhouse gas

DRB 온실가스에 대한 총배출량, 집약도 정보
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total greenhouse gas emissions tCO2eq 7,532.05 111.13 90.16
  Direct GHG emissions (scope 1) tCO2eq 1,191.26 6.83 7.84
  Indirect GHG emissions (scope 2) tCO2eq 6,340.79 104.3 82.3
  Indirect GHG emissions (scope 3) tCO2eq N/A N/A N/A
GHG emission intensity tCO2eq/KRW billion 78.65 2.76 5.25


DRB 에너지에 대한 목표, 배출량, 집약도, 소비량 정보
Category Unit 2021 2022 2023
Total energy consumption (general+renewable) GJ 155,340 2,320 1,875
Total general energy consumption GJ 155,340 2,320 1,875
  Total direct energy consumption GJ 22,840 140 155
    Direct energy consumption (LNG) GJ 21,060 140 155
    Direct energy consumption (LPG) GJ 0 0 0
    Direct energy consumption (gasoline) GJ 210 0 0
    Direct energy consumption (diesel) GJ 1,450 0 0
    Direct energy consumption (kerosene) GJ 120 0 0
    Sawdust firewood (wood) GJ 0 0 0
  Total indirect energy consumption GJ 132,500 2,180 1,720
    Energy consumption (electricity) GJ 132,500 2,180 1,720
    Energy consumption (steam) GJ 0 0 0
    Energy consumption (heating) GJ 0 0 0
    Energy consumption (cooling) GJ 0 0 0
    Energy consumption (thermal) GJ 0 0 0
    Energy consumption (other) GJ 0 0 0
Energy intensity GJ/KRW billion 3,005.85 111.91 109.21
Total renewable energy consumption GJ 0 0 0
  Solar GJ 0 0 0
  REC GJ 0 0 0
Ratio of renewable energy consumption % 0 0 0

● These ESG data are undergoing third-party verification, and during this process, some data may be subject to change.

● The additional information related to these data can be accessed through business reports, audit reports, and similar documents.